First Time Visitor?
What You Can Expect
We want to invite all into a safe and trusting environment. Worship is a life-giving encounter with God that motivates and equips us. It’s a return to the sources of our faith and identity where we are mutually encouraged, enlightened, inspired, and regenerated. Lutheran worship is liturgical, a word that comes from the Greek meaning “peoples’ work”. Liturgy not only gives order to worship, it defines worship as corporate and participatory. So when you come to worship, expect to participate.
Traditional Worship (Saturdays at 6 pm and Sundays at 10:30 am)
Our traditional worship times follow the traditional liturgy and use traditional language and hymns. In this style, participants can enjoy the full and rich nature of the Christian tradition.
Contemporary Worship (Sundays at 8:30 am)
Our contemporary worship time still follows the liturgy of Lutheran worship but uses contemporary language, music, art, and technology to convey the same message in a way that everyone can understand. Contemporary worship brings tradition into a common and contemporary language.

Our Mission
God’s Vision…Our Mission
God’s Vision…Our Mission
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am always with you, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
As people created in the image of God, saved by His Son, Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we believe in the one true living God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As His people, we are called by God to go forth into the world to proclaim the Good News, share the love of Christ, and make disciples of all people.

Our History
A History of St. John’s Lutheran Church
The congregation of St. John’s Lutheran Church was organized July 5, 1840, by the Rev. George Klapp. At the time, Sidney had 713 inhabitants and forests still covered large portions of the county. The first Church Council was installed on November 1, 1840. A list found in the first record of the congregation, dated October 30, 1842, contains the names of 33 communicant members.
During the first 14 years of its existence, St. John’s congregation had no church building of its own and services were conducted in the homes of members, halls, and churches of other denominations.
The congregation finally secured a church home of its own in 1854 by purchasing the modest frame building and lot on Water Street vacated by the Associate Presbyterians, who had built it in 1835.

Today, St. John’s Lutheran Church is a thriving congregation of nearly 500 members. And though we are proud of the building in which we worship, the heart of our congregation beats outside these walls, in our neighborhoods, communities, and in our relationships. We take seriously our mission to make disciples of all nations but know that our calling ultimately begins right here, with our families, friends, and neighbors.